Tag Archives: Roman Catholic Church

Outrage Canada: Holding the RCC Accountable

Outrage Canada is a national, non-religious coalition of outraged Canadians that hold the Roman Catholic church of Canada accountable for ongoing crimes and advocates for all victims of Catholic clergy. This new organization is committed to ensuring justice for victims, the safety of all children and the prevention of abuse by the Roman Catholic Church and its clergy.

Earlier this year, the group launched a petition on Change.org calling for the Government of Canada to investigate and act on their concerns. The petition states:

We, the undersigned, Citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to immediately begin a complete investigation of the archives of all 61 Roman Catholic dioceses in Canada to:

a. Assure the Canadian public that children and adults are safe;

b. Ensure that justice will be sought for all victims and their families;

c. Ensure that the Roman Catholic Church in Canada will be fully accountable for its actions and is no longer protecting predatory clergy; and

d.  Alert the police about all historic cases so that they can determine if there are any other victims.

The website also has valuable information and tools for those who care about these issues to get active. Perhaps this is an organization that deserves your time and attention.

Citations, References And Other Reading

  1. Featured Photo Courtesy of : 
  2. https://www.change.org/p/government-of-canada-to-investigate-the-archives-of-61-catholic-dioceses-in-canada?recruiter=1295933369&recruited_by_id=c2bc5b90-b144-11ed-b9cd-07816ca05af4&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard

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